Meet the Team

Annette Van Voorst
Owner & Creative Director
Annette has been in the design business since 2005, and went to flooring college in 2008. The motivation behind opening her own store was the vision to have a place where customers could get everything they needed from start to finish for whatever their project was. From that vision, Flooring & Design became a reality and was established in 2016. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with family and friends, spoiling her twin granddaughters, going to movies, and boating.
Phone: (712) 722-5017

Melissa Gulker
Office Manager / Sales & Design
Melissa is Flooring & Design’s office manager and thrives on managing the details. While she loves designing for many different projects and styles, the one thing that will make her light up most is picking out countertops and backsplash. When Melissa is not working, she enjoys golfing and is busy managing her household in Sioux Center with her husband, Brian, and 6 children (& can’t forget about the 2 son-in-laws) and 3 grandchildren.
Phone: (712) 722-5017

Kay Koole
Sales & Design / Restyling
Kay is a Sioux County native, with 30+ years of retail and customer service experience. Her passion for style and love for decorating can be felt when she restyles and decorates your home. When Kay is not refurbishing furniture or showing horses, she and her husband, Neal love to spend time with family and friends.
Phone: (712) 722-5017